Electricity and Magnetism
There are:
- 99 electricity and magnetism demonstrations
- 72 of which have brief descriptions and diagrams
- 15 more have pictures and complete descriptions
Last update : 2 September 1997
Main topics:
- Electrostatics 5A
- Producing static charge 5A10
- Coulomb's law 5A20
- Electrostatic meters 5A22
- Conductors and Insulators 5A30
- Induced charge 5A40
- Electrostatic machines 5A50
- Electric fields and potential 5B
- Electric field 5B10
- Gauss' law 5B20
- Electrostatic potential 5B30
- Capacitance 5C
- Capacitors 5C10
- Dielectric 5C20
- Energy stored in a capacitor 5C30
- Resistance 5D
- Resistance characteristics 5D10
- Resistivity and temperature 5D20
- Conduction in solutions 5D30
- Conduction through electrolytes 5D30.10
- Conduction in gases 5D40
- Electromotive force and current 5E
- Electrolysis 5E20
- Electrolysis of water 5E20.10
- Cells and batteries 5E40
- Thermoelectricity 5E50
- Piezoelectricity 5E60
- DC Circuits 5F
- Ohm's law 5F10
- Ohm's law 5F10.10
- Potential drop along a wire 5F10.20
- Power and energy 5F15
- Electrical equivalent of heat 5F15.10
- Circuit analysis 5F20
- RC circuits 5F30
- Instruments 5F40
- Galvanometer as ammeter and voltmeter 5F40.20
- Magnetic materials 5G
- Magnets 5G10
- Magnet domains and magnetization 5G20
- Hysteresis 5G40
- Temperature and magnetism 5G50
- Magnetic fields and forces 5H
- Magnetic fields 5H10
- Fields and currents 5H15
- Forces on magnets 5H20
- Magnet/electromagnet interaction 5H25
- Force on moving charges 5H30
- Force on current in wires 5H40
- Torques on coils 5H50
- Spinning coil over magnet 5H50.45
- Inductance 5J
- Self-inductance 5J10
- Inductor assortment 5J10.10
- LR circuits 5J20
- Electromagnetic induction 5K
- Induced currents and forces 5K10
- Eddy currents 5K20
- Transformers 5K30
- Motors and generators 5K40
- AC Circuits 5L
- Impedance 5L10
- RLC Circuits - AC 5L20
- Filters and rectifiers 5L30
- Electromagnetic radiation 5N
- Tesla coil 5N20
- Electromagnetic spectrum 5N30