I am interested in physics of water/fluid confined in nanoscale region. Water is cited among the "101 problems in nature" by Science magazine(2005). Water is the most abundant liquid on earth. However its mere abundance and its utmost necessity to life are not the only things what make it interesting but rather a set of puzzles, also known as water anomalies, makes water the most unique among the liquids. Confined water stretches its importance in many areas, from biology, atmospheric sciences to engineering sciences. Water shows an abrubt dynamical changes when it is confined in a region which is sufficient to hold only 2 or 3 molecular layers of water. Many new kinds of phase transitions have been observed in such systems. My collaborators and I are trying to understand the structure and dynamics of confined water as well as the difference between the confined and bulk phases. We do a large scale moleular dynamics simulations using the high end supercomputer at BU ( http://scv.bu.edu )  along with theoretical calculations to study the behavior of water at different length scales. We also collaborate with many experimental groups (S.-H. Chen at MIT, F. Mallamace at Messina and S. Eramilli at BU) on various projects.
My colleagues and research collaborators:
Buldyrev Sergey, Center for polymer studies, Boston University, Boston.
Chen S.-H., MIT, Boston, MA, USA.
Emanuela Zaccarelli, University of Roma, Roma, Italy.
Francesco Sciortino, University of Roma, Roma, Italy.
Giancarlo Franzese, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
Giovambattista Nicolas, Center for polymer studies, Boston University, Boston.
La Nave Emilia, University of Roma, Roma, Italy
Mazza Marco, Center for polymer studies, Boston University, Boston.
Sastry Srikanth, Javaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, India.
Starr Francis, Wesleyan University, Connecticut, USA.
Stanley H. E. ( My advisor ), Center for polymer studies, Boston University, Boston.     http://polymer.bu.edu/~hes